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How to Move from Gartner Emerging Technologies to New Business Opportunities

Trends and emerging technologies are a critical part of innovation management. Emerging technologies, in particular, help make sense of market activity and assist organizations in understanding what changes lie on the horizon and how best to optimize strategic priorities.

The 2022 Gartner® Hype Cycle™ for Emerging Technologies provides CTOs, CIOs, and business leaders with key emerging technologies set to impact society in the next two to ten years. According to Gartner®, the suite of technologies “help enterprise architecture and technology innovation leaders expand immersive experiences, accelerate AI automation and optimize technologist delivery.”

In this article, we discuss how you can combine the emerging technologies identified by Gartner with the ITONICS Innovation OS to optimize your organization’s strategic innovation activities.

The Gartner® Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies

As Gartner states, the “Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies is unique among Gartner Hype Cycles because it distills insights from more than 2,000 technologies and applied frameworks that Gartner profiles each year into a succinct set of “must-know” emerging technologies.” As a result, Gartner has identified a suite of emerging technologies relevant to various sectors and applicable across a broad spectrum of use cases.

The emerging technologies identified by Gartner fall into the following thematic areas:

  • Evolving/expanding Immersive Experiences
  • Accelerated AI Automation
  • Optimized Technologist Delivery

The Figure below charts the identified technologies across the Gartner Hype Cycle.

2022 Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies

The 2022 Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies report provides a detailed overview and analysis of the identified emerging technologies, including benefit ratings from industry experts as well as providing a Priority Matrix. According to  Gartner,  the Priority Matrix “maps the benefit rating for each technology against the amount of time it requires to achieve mainstream adoption.”

Using ITONICS to create opportunities from Gartner Emerging Technologies

So, how can you use the ITONICS Innovation OS to take full strategic advantage of the emerging technologies identified by Gartner? Below is a brief guide on how to add the 2022 Gartner Emerging Technologies onto the ITONICS Innovation OS.  

1. Create your technology

The ITONICS Innovation OS allows users to create their own technologies in a personalized Workspace. Besides technologies, teams can create trends, opportunities, inspirations and more.

  1. Click the ‘Create’ button in the top right corner of your Workspace. 

Navigation in the ITONICS Innovation OS

  1. Select ‘Technology’ on the Element Type dropdown menu.
Create Content ITONICS
  1. Provide a detailed description of your technology. You can either save the technology as a draft or publish it to allow other team members to see it immediately.
Create Content ITONICS

Pro-tip: Consider adding an image for your created technology that encapsulates its function. 

2. Rate your technology

Ratings help provide organizational consensus to determine strategic priorities. Applying a rating and evaluation system that includes qualitative and quantitative data points alongside collaborative inter-division expertise can provide robust, actionable results.

Simply open your created technology, scroll down to the ‘Rating’ section and begin rating the technology according to your pre-defined rating criteria.

Rating Screenshot ITONICS

Pro-tip: Ask your team and other experts to rate trends or technologies to reduce bias and get an aggregated rating. To gauge your confidence in a rating, you can see the number of users who have added a rating for each criterion.

3. Create tags for your technology

Tags on the ITONICS Innovation OS allow users to segment large amounts of data and develop meaningful clusters on your radar. This segmentation helps users understand the connection between elements and which themes are most salient. Gartner has divided technologies into three thematic areas. Use these as a starting point for your tagging, and begin to create other tags that can help cluster your created technologies.

Scroll down to ‘Technology Segmentation’ and ‘Tags’ to begin.  

Technology Segmentation

Pro-tip: The ‘Comments’ tab is a useful place to start conversations with team members on the technology, and unpack the rationale for given segmentation and ratings. The ‘Comments’ tab is also helpful for explaining technology developments.  

4. Explore related Signals

Every created element has a ‘Signals’ tab. Our Signals tool uses natural language processing (NLP) to help you see the signals of change related to your technology. The Signals tab gives users access to news feeds, patents and research publications relevant to your technology. This can help you gain more profound knowledge in your technology.

Simply click on the ‘Signals’ tab to begin exploring and use the ‘Refine Feed’ button to adjust your search.

This guide can help users get the most out of this feature.  

Signals Feed ITONICS OS

Pro-tip: You can create an element from any identified signal. This can be an inspiration, trend, or risk related to the technology or even an entirely new technology. By creating elements, teams can create more relations to the Gartner technology.

Create element ITONICS OS

5. Visualize technologies on the radar

In innovation management, trend and technology radars help you visualize current and future technologies that can impact your business.

In the ITONICS Innovation OS, content is represented by dots. Teams can use the Radar to view created content, identify relations and share insights.ITONICS Technology Radar

So, in just a few steps, you can add the emerging technologies identified by Gartner to your ITONICS Workspace, have them evaluated by your internal or external experts, and view them on a technology radar tailored to your business context.

Explore the #1 Innovation OS that will radically revolutionize your innovation capabilities in a free software demo.


Gartner, Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, 2022, Melissa Davis, Gary Olliffe,25 July 2022

Gartner and Hype Cycle are registered trademarks and service marks of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and are used herein with permission. All rights reserved

This graphic was published by Gartner, Inc. as part of a larger research document and should be evaluated in the context of the entire document. The Gartner document is available upon request from ITONICS.