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Game On: How Ericsson Fuses Fun with Foresight

In the world of technology and innovation, staying ahead of trends while fostering a dynamic work culture is no easy feat. Ericsson ConsumerLab has cracked this code by fusing foresight with play, turning serious tech conversations into something engaging and fun. 

Jana Uthayakumar, Global Foresight, Data & Analytics Lead at Ericsson ConsumerLab, recently shared some unique insights into how Ericsson approaches foresight, integrates innovation, and even uses virtual reality (VR) gaming to enhance collaboration and creativity.

Innovation begins with foresight

Ericsson ConsumerLab conducts cutting-edge research to predict and shape technological trends for the next five, ten, or even twenty years. The focus is on foresight grounded in data and analytics, looking into what the future holds. This predictive approach helps Ericsson stay ahead of the curve, delivering valuable insights for both clients and the broader tech industry.

Foresight at Ericsson is not just about analyzing data. It’s about understanding human behavior, technological possibilities, and societal trends to anticipate how new innovations—like extended reality (XR) and artificial intelligence (AI)—will impact consumers. Jana’s marketing and data science background has allowed him to blend these perspectives, helping Ericsson ConsumerLab craft meaningful predictions about the future of technology.

When work gets fun – gaming at Ericsson

But here’s where things get really interesting: Ericsson doesn’t just approach foresight with numbers and research. They add an element of fun to keep their teams motivated. One of the more surprising insights from Jana was that Ericsson holds a weekly, half-hour virtual gaming session where employees get to blow off some steam—by “taking out” their managers in a VR environment.

“We have an ongoing weekly half-hour every Friday morning where we actually play games. You can virtually shoot at your manager,” Jana says, laughing. “It’s a good way to remove some stress.”

This unconventional but playful approach fosters creativity and collaboration within teams. It’s not just a stress reliever but a way to build camaraderie. Ericsson’s use of VR as a team-building tool helps employees become more comfortable with the technology, offering a space to explore XR’s potential in a low-stakes, engaging setting.

XR and the future of reality

Beyond virtual games, Ericsson has been exploring the full potential of XR and how it might evolve over the next five to ten years. While early predictions suggested XR could replace smartphones, Jana believes that won’t happen anytime soon. Instead, XR devices and smartphones will coexist, each serving different needs.

“We don’t think XR or AR will replace the smartphone, at least not in the next five to ten years,” Jana explains. “What we see is almost a duality of the devices. Each device—the smartphone and XR—will live together, and each will serve its own purpose.”

"We don't think XR or AR will replace the smartphone. At least not in the next five to ten years. What we see is almost a duality of devices. Each device—the smartphone and the XR device—will live together and each will serve its own purpose."

Currently, many XR applications are tied to entertainment and gaming, but Ericsson sees a future where XR will break out of these boundaries. In their research, they’ve discovered that consumers are excited about XR’s potential to enhance everyday activities such as real-time navigation, immersive travel experiences, and even translation tools. These applications could revolutionize how we interact with the world, making XR a technology for practical, everyday use rather than just for entertainment.

For instance, real-time navigation using XR could overlay directions directly onto the streets you walk, and AR glasses could provide seamless translation while traveling abroad. Ericsson’s research highlights how XR could transform industries like tourism, where virtual tours of distant cities might become the norm. “There’s an appetite for VR tourism,” which Jana believes could even enhance physical travel by allowing people to virtually visit cities and build anticipation for a real-life visit.

Combining XR and AI: A natural fit

One of the most exciting developments in the XR space is its integration with AI, particularly Generative AI. Ericsson has been experimenting with how these technologies can complement each other. AI is already used to build and enhance XR experiences, but when combined, the potential for personalization and immersion grows exponentially.

Jana highlights a fascinating use case where Generative AI could be used to populate virtual chat rooms in the metaverse. “One use case that I thought was interesting was bootstrapping virtual chat rooms using AI personas,” he says. The AI personas would interact with the first few people to join the room, making the space feel more populated and engaging until more real users join.

AI can also transform XR experiences by generating personalized, immersive environments. For instance, a text description could instantly be transformed into a custom virtual world tailored to the user’s preferences. This synergy opens the door to a host of new applications across industries, from entertainment to education and beyond.

Generative AI as a “thinking partner” for foresight

Generative AI is not only enhancing XR experiences but also reshaping how foresight itself is conducted at Ericsson. Jana refers to it as a “thinking partner,” supporting the team through various stages of the foresight process. From ideation to analysis, AI helps exhaust ideas and opens new avenues for research.

He describes how AI inspires the team with new ideas in the ideation phase and enables them to step into the “shoes” of different stakeholders in the analysis phase. AI can simulate multiple future scenarios and offer new ways of thinking about potential outcomes. This allows Ericsson to predict future trends and prepare for them with greater confidence.

However, Jana also cautions against relying too heavily on AI for generating high volumes of data without critical analysis. “Just because you can generate a high volume of scenarios in an instant doesn’t mean it’s better,” he warns. The challenge lies in maintaining a balance between leveraging AI’s capabilities and applying human judgment to sift through and evaluate these predictions.


Foresight in action: A 5G success story

Jana shares an example of how Ericsson’s foresight efforts made a tangible impact on their business strategy. Back in 2019, when 5G was still seen primarily as an enterprise-focused technology, Ericsson’s ConsumerLab team conducted a study that uncovered significant potential for consumer applications.

By examining consumer use cases across various industries, the team was able to shift the narrative around 5G and highlight its broader relevance. This foresight helped equip Ericsson’s teams in the regions and business units when they were discussing 5G with industry leaders. This study also sparked broader conversations within Ericsson and influenced how the company approached 5G implementation, ensuring that consumer use cases were taken seriously.

Check out other foresight and innovation success stories →

Playful innovation, serious results

Ericsson’s approach to foresight is a blend of rigorous data analysis, creative thinking, and, yes, even a bit of fun. From using VR games to reduce stress to leveraging Generative AI as a thinking partner, Ericsson has built a foresight model that is both innovative and adaptable.

As Jana puts it, the combination of playful elements with cutting-edge technologies enables the company to anticipate and shape the future while staying grounded in real-world applications. Whether it's predicting the next big consumer trend or equipping its employees with the tools to think creatively, Ericsson’s fusion of fun and foresight is a winning strategy for staying ahead in the fast-paced world of tech innovation.

At ITONICS, we know that combining forward-thinking insights with the right technology is key to driving meaningful innovation—much like what Ericsson is doing. Our AI-powered Innovation OS helps organizations streamline foresight, ideation, and decision-making. By leveraging data-driven tools, ITONICS enables companies to stay ahead of trends, manage portfolios, and foster collaboration—turning foresight into action to thrive in a fast-changing world.