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How to Drive Digital Transformation Using ITONICS

In today's fast-paced business landscape, digital transformation has become a critical factor for companies looking to stay ahead of the game. But where do you start? In this article, we show how to usher digital transformation with the ITONICS Innovation OS, using the example of Siemens Energy.

Digital transformation presents an opportunity for organizations worldwide to facilitate collaboration and innovation, generate new revenue streams, and increase efficiency and productivity through the adoption of technologies such as Web3, 5G mobility, and the Internet of Things. However, it also presents a risk as those who do not adapt quickly to these technological shifts may face demise in the market. As the World Economic Forum research states, around 87% of businesses state that digital transformation will disrupt their industry, but only 50% are prepared for it.

At ITONICS we believe organizations should keep a grip on change happening on the horizon by continuously understanding drivers of change and finessing their innovation strategy to future-proof their business.

Our Innovation OS provides organizations with the tools to accelerate digitalization and innovation internally and to keep up with change by scanning, analyzing, and preparing for new threats and opportunities. 

Let us show you how.

How Siemens Energy is using ITONICS as a vehicle for digital transformation and innovation

The business landscape at Siemens Energy is influenced by digitalization, cybersecurity risks, ongoing transformation through innovation, and a constantly changing market environment, requiring continuous monitoring. With their “Orbit Ecosystem” powered by ITONICS, Siemens Energy introduced a digital platform that offers project, strategy, and portfolio views, as well as innovation and trend scouting features, to assist teams in scanning and analyzing technical trends and threats, prioritizing and managing running and planned innovation activities, and ultimately succeeding in the dynamic energy market.

Siemens Energy’s Orbit Ecosystem is split into three focus areas:

  • The Cybersecurity Orbit prepares Siemens Energy for a cyber-resilient future by allowing teams to scan, analyze, and prepare for new threats and trends.
  • The Innovation Orbit channels collective intelligence to create transparency of innovation processes, topics, and ideas.
  • The Digitalization Orbit accelerates digital transformation to generate business.

The platform works as the digital backbone of all topics related to internal digitalization targeting profitability increase, innovation, and cybersecurity. It serves as a go-to space for collecting and enriching information, enabling idea generators, innovators, and experts to drive solution concepts.

How you can kick-start your digital transformation and innovation journey

If you want to drive transformation and breakthrough innovation in your organization like Siemens Energy, our analyst-curated and hand-picked trends and emerging technologies available in the ITONICS Innovation OS can be a good starting point.

ITONICS Trends and Technologies as your starter kit

The nearly 170 trends and emerging technologies along with thousands of inspirations - real-world proof of innovation in action - giving you the strategic edge to take advantage of watershed changes in your industry. Our analyst team attributed predefined ratings to each emerging technology and trend on the platform based on various criteria (e.g., Potential Impact, Adoption Stage, Technology Readiness Level).

Moreover, our analysts have segmented the trends and technologies into digestible clusters that provide different types of value to users. These exist as presets in our Innovation OS to help you quickly filter down information that has greater relevance to different industries and megatrends and identify drivers of change relevant to your business.

Megatrends represent big shifts driving future disruption and change across industries. Our platform lets you see precisely which trends, technologies, and inspirations are pertinent to which megatrend. These have global influence and represent significant opportunities and challenges that most businesses will likely need to consider now and into the future.

Digital transformation is one of the ITONICS Megatrend presets and will continue to be a critical factor in determining the success of businesses globally.

Get started for free and explore the ITONICS Trends and Technologies on the platform
   Digital Transformation preset in the ITONICS Innovation OS including all relevant trends and emerging technologies

4 steps to get started

Siemens Energy is just one of the many ‘innovation rockstars’ utilizing the ITONICS Innovation OS to go from environmental scanning to portfolio management to remain trailblazers in their respective industries. ITONICS has various collaborative business intelligence tools that can augment your scouting, scanning, and monitoring activities. In the video below, I guide you through the steps on how to kick-start your innovation journey on the ITONICS Innovation OS.


  1. Launch the Innovation OS

By exploring our trends and technologies within the Digital Transformation preset, you can decide which content best fits your current innovation priorities. If you are new to ITONICS, you can take advantage of our 30-day free trial.

  1. Create a workspace

Once you have identified the drivers of change worth investigating for possible opportunities, you can simply copy them over to your workspace in ITONICS, a private work environment for you and your team.

  1. Visualize and compare drivers of change on a radar

Your custom technology and trend radar will automatically be populated with the emerging technologies and trends in your workspace. Use the radar tool to easily visualize, compare, and evaluate each trend or technology.

Also see: How to Create Your Trend and Technology Radar in 5 Minutes

You can change the predefined ratings, add internal ratings, and invite others in your team to rate each emerging technology and trend. An understanding of internal capabilities and strategic goals, as well as specialist knowledge, are extremely valuable in this evaluation process to help you prioritize what intelligence to act upon.

Check out the trends relevant to Digital Transformation in our Digital Transformation Trend Radar.

  1. Continuously monitor

Automatically track signals related to each trend or technology you are interested in with the ITONICS Insights tool to keep up with new developments. See how the frequency, geographic distribution, and relevance of signals change over time.

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