Innovation with impact: Driving measurable innovation success through effective management
We invite you to an exclusive business brunch in Austria's beautiful capital Vienna.
What to expect
Join us for our next Innovation Brunch, hosted by TheVentury and ITONICS. This is where innovation meets measurable results! Discuss and learn from industry pioneers, experienced innovators, and ITONICS users as they share their insights on achieving tangible results through innovation management. Explore how to foster an innovation-driven culture, measure success with key metrics, embrace new technologies, and integrate sustainability for lasting impact.
Managers and experts from a wide range of industries - including ÖBB, Mavie Next GmbH, Würth Industrie Service, Würth Elektronik and PALFINGER AG - will present their latest findings on innovation management. The event will conclude with a joint lunch.
The open networking offers additional food for thought and enables you to look beyond your horizon. Exchange ideas with like-minded people and learn how to establish and measure unique innovations for sustainable success despite high speed and digital disruption.
- Cross-industry exchange with industry experts and seasoned innovators on best practices, and lessons learned along the end2end innovation process and measurable innovation success
- Exciting keynotes on innovation management, strategy development, tools, venture building and collaboration
- Plenty of time for networking with peers on state-of-the-art technologies, tools, and the latest research findings
- As a crowning finale: A ride on the famous Vienna Giant Ferris Wheel with a stunning view over the rooftops of Vienna
And by the way: As the brunch takes place on a Friday, it is the perfect opportunity to add an entire weekend in beautiful Vienna ;-)
Our speakers & hosts
Welcome & Opening
Petra Grozdić, TheVentury & Dr. Michael Durst, ITONICS
Field report | Corporate Innovation - A learning journey
Stefan Kreppel, PALFINGER AG
Keynote | Ambidexterity and corporate explorers
Erich Kruschitz, Mavie Next GmbH
Coffee break & tour of the Innovation Factory
Grab a coffee and connect with the people around
Insights into the Würth Group: Cross-company partnership in innovation management
Lena Bender & Christoph Jahn, Würth Group
Keynote | Innovation strategy – the path to effective innovation
Miriam Cruse, ÖBB
Closing & Wrap-up
Petra Grozdić, TheVentury & Dr. Michael Durst, ITONICS
Lunch & Open Networking
Enjoy a varied selection of delicate dishes and exchange ideas with the other experts on site
Optional: Visit of the famous Vienna Prater
A ride on the famous Vienna Giant Ferris Wheel
- Date: October 20, 2023
- Time: 09:00 CEST - 15:00 CEST
- Location: ÖBB Open Innovation Factory|Lassallestraße 5, 1020 Vienna, Austria
- Format: Free networking event
- Language: English
Your hosts
The Vienna-based innovation agency TheVentury collaborates with corporate innovators, entrepreneurs, and start-ups since 2016. Their experience in large-scale corporate environments as well as early-stage startups fostered the team’s ability to understand both worlds and translate learnings from one to another. In the last 8 years, they have successfully executed and accompanied multiple innovation programs with established companies like RBI, Mastercard, Swiss Life, ÖBB, UNIQA und Wien Energie.
ITONICS is a leading SaaS provider of systematic innovation management. Together with our clients, we shape the future. Our AI-powered platform combined with a systematic framework to steer innovation efforts helps companies to identify emerging technologies, trends and market potential and to translate them into customized growth strategies.
With more than 150 experts on five continents, we support innovation leaders such as adidas, AUDI, BMW, CISCO, Intel, Johnson & Johnson, KPMG and SAP.
Register for free
ÖBB Open Innovation Factory
Lassallestraße 5, 1020 Vienna, Austria
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