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Discover your team's innovation mode for enduring success

Innovation is not a one-size-fits-all process. Take the ITONICS Innovation Modes Quiz to pinpoint where your team excels, identify areas for growth, and receive tailored tips and resources for continuous innovation.


Quick online quiz

No preparation needed, 12 easy questions in less than 5 minutes



Instant results

Your unique mode plus tailored tips and resources straight to your inbox



Enduring success

Find the right tools to maximize your innovation mode


Got more questions? We’ve got answers.

What is the Innovation Modes Quiz?

The Innovation Modes Quiz is a Myers Briggs-style assessment designed to determine your team's innovation mode based on four key dimensions: strategic focus, industry speed, value chain position, and company ambition. By answering a series of questions, you can identify the innovation strategy that best aligns with your company's characteristics and goals.

Who is the Innovation Modes Quiz for?

The Innovation Modes Quiz is designed for business leaders, managers, and teams who are involved in shaping the strategic direction of their company. It is particularly beneficial for:

  • Executives and senior management: To align innovation strategies with corporate goals.
  • Innovation managers: To identify and implement effective innovation processes.
  • R&D teams: To understand how their efforts fit within the broader company strategy.
  • Strategic planners: To guide long-term business planning with a clear innovation framework

Each response is scored, and your results will reveal your company's primary innovation mode.

How does the quiz work?

The quiz is straightforward and requires no preparation. It consists of 12 easy questions that can be completed in less than 5 minutes. The questions are grouped into four categories:

  • Strategic focus: Measures whether your company prioritizes market leadership through innovation (industry leader) or cost efficiency.
  • Industry speed: Assesses how quickly your market environment changes and your company's adaptability (fast vs. slow).
  • Value chain position: Evaluates whether your company prefers vertical integration or specialization and outsourcing.
  • Company ambition: Looks at whether your company is focused on growth and expansion or maintaining the current status.

Each response is scored, and your results will reveal your primary innovation mode.

How can the results of the quiz benefit my company?

Understanding your innovation mode can:

  • Enhance strategic planning: Align your innovation strategy with your business objectives.
  • Improve competitive advantage: Identify areas where you can lead or adapt to market changes more effectively.
  • Optimize resource allocation: Make informed decisions about where to invest in R&D, partnerships, and market expansion.