News & Press - Innovation Management

Book Chapter: Activities and Challenges in Environmental Scanning

Written by Sophia Hoferer | 3 Jul 19

Prof. Dr. Carolin Durst, Scientific Director at ITONICS, together with Fabian Wiser, Scientific Assistant at TU Braunschweig, and Philipp Maron, Analyst at a technology company, has published a book article on “Activities and Challenges in Environmental Scanning“. The book “Case Studies on Technology & Innovation Management” (original: „Fallstudien zum Technologie- & Innovationsmanagement“) is intended to enable students in particular, but also innovation managers, to learn in a clear and practice-oriented way in the field of technology and innovation management on the basis of mostly local examples and real problems.

About the chapter:

NEXT is a technology company with over 80,000 employees and one of the world’s leading companies in its sector. In order to guarantee a competitive advantage and to ensure survival, NEXT’s innovation management operates four essential environment scanning activities: “1) trend management to create a broad knowledge base; 2) observation of competitors for regular performance comparison; 3) networking to exchange information with customers and direct competitors; 4) carrying out so-called deep dives for in-depth research into trends and technologies”.
In the case study, these four activities are examined in detail and challenges are identified in carrying out a successful environment scanning. In the end, the reader is asked nine questions including hints for solutions for a critical examination of the presented case study.


  • Practice-oriented case study in innovation management of a B2B technology company
  • Description of four central environment scanning activities: (1) trend management, (2) competitor monitoring, (3) networking & (4) deep dives.
  • Nine questions and problems with solution hints.


This contribution was created within the framework of the research project RADAR (Datengetriebenes UmfeldScanning für die Entscheidungen von morgen), which is funded by the BMBF under the number 02K16C190.