News & Press - Innovation Management

Agile Innovation Manager Training

Written by Prof. Dr. Carolin Durst | 21 Dec 17

We offer a training to become an Agile Innovation manager in cooperation with our partners from Innovation Alliance. This modular training program ensures that you benefit from the Innovation Alliance’s many different fields of expertise and leads to the title of Agile Innovation Manager.

Modul I A – From strategy to ideas / Foresight, scenarios, trends
Modul I B – From strategy to ideas / Immersion, white Spots, insights
Modul II – From ideas to opportunities / Ideation, concepting, innovation culture
Modul III – From opportunities to market / Design, implementation, launch

You will …

  • get an insight into how Agile Innovation Management really works
  • find out how to develop market-relevant products from your ideas in a structured way
  • learn from experienced Master Black Belts and Innovation Managers
  • become part of an expert community that increases your learning curve

Training components

1) From the strategy to the idea:

  • Basics and methods of trend analysis (mega, macro, micro)
  • Identification of trends, working out business opportunities
  • Working with scenarios

2) From the idea to the ‘Opportunity’:

  • Development of concrete concept ideas, based on trends and scenarios
  • Prioritisation of the ideas into innovation cases and business opportunities, creative working, trend sketching, storytelling

3) From the ‘Opportunity’ to the market:

  • Implementation of ideas using Design for Six Sigma + Lean Methods

Target group
Beginners and experts who work in the field of innovation or who wish to learn the special skills required to implement innovation.

Basic experience in the fields of Innovation, Product Development or Market Expansion is helpful but not necessary.

Duration of the entire training
2 x 5 days

AIM in Berlin
MODUL I A und B: 25. – 29. September
MODUL II and III: 6. – 10. November 2017

€5,950 net* for the entire training.
*Includes catering but not travel and accommodation.


Information and registration
Please feel free to contact me for more information and for registration.

Dr. Carolin Durst
Innovation Alliance c/o ITONICS GmbH
Telefon: +49 911 600 60 020