News & Press - Innovation Management

CeBIT Future Talk 2016

Written by Dr. Michael Durst | 16 Feb 16

With its finger on the pulse and at the focus of media interest, the conference forum future talk will provide an overview of opportunities and solutions to the challenges of the digital future in a series of exciting presentations and panel discussions. More than 100 contributions, live presentations and demonstrations will give a valuable insight into the technological status quo, identify the latest trends and take a look at standards of the future.

Our founder and CEO Prof. Dr. Michael Durst presents a case study on Big Data Analytics in Trend and Technology Scouting and Scanning. Details of the speech:

In a fast mo­ving cor­po­ra­te en­vi­ron­ment, it is cru­ci­al to iden­ti­fy Trends and Tech­no­lo­gies fast and ef­fi­ci­ent. Clas­sic ap­proa­ches se­ar­ching the web, strol­ling through spe­cia­li­zed da­ta­ba­ses and se­ar­ching wi­t­hin pa­tent pu­bli­ca­ti­ons con­su­me a lot of time and oft­en­ti­mes do not pro­vi­de on-spot re­sults.

The pre­sen­ted ap­proach is based on se­man­tic tech­no­lo­gy and al­lows users to se­arch through Big Data in a slick, fast and very fo­cu­sed man­ner. From Big Data re­se­arch to the need­le in the haystack!

Visit us here to attend the speech:
– Hall 6, Stand B54
– 2016 March 14th, 11:00 – 11:30 am

We look forward to your visit!