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ITONICS Mentioned in Gartner® Hype Cycle™ for Innovation Management Techniques 2022

Gartner has released the 2022 version of the Hype Cycle for Innovation Management Techniques, which features emerging, as well as established, techniques that continue to generate interest from organizations. ITONICS is recognized as a sample vendor.

According to Gartner, the innovation management techniques listed in the Hype Cycle help manage market volatility and uncertainty and provide executive leaders with tools and best practices to increase the success of innovation activities and programs.

The mentioned techniques cover organizational aspects of designing innovation programs, and key stages of executing the innovation process:

  • Organizing for innovation: Corporate incubators, innovation centers of excellence, innovation ecosystems, innovation hubs, innovation labs, open innovation, innovation governance committees
  • Improving the innovation process and culture: AI-driven innovation, International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 56000, innovation culture hacks, innovation training
  • Strategy and opportunity identification: Data-driven innovation, continuous foresight, innovation storytelling, digital safaris (field trips to other innovative organizations), trendspotting, tech and trend radars, business model frameworks scenario planning
  • Idea generation: Expert networks for innovation, idea management tools, hackathons, internal pitch events, idea challenges, innovation workshops
  • Evaluation and experimentation: Lean startup, design thinking, visual collaboration tools

ITONICS as sample vendor in 3 categories

ITONICS, a leading SaaS provider for strategy and innovation, supports clients like adidas, Intel, Johnson & Johnson, or KPMG with an end-to-end innovation management platform addressing several techniques evaluated in the Hype Cycle. Our data-driven platform helps in identifying emerging technologies, trends, and market opportunities and translating them into growth strategies.

The ITONICS Innovation Operating System is listed as a solution in three areas within the Hype Cycle: Continuous Foresight, Trendspotting and Technology Trend Radars.

Continuous Foresight

Continuous foresight "leverages the best practices of strategic/corporate foresight and futurism to continuously identify business models and strategies, and determine how to adjust either or both to create future success." Continuous foresight must be seen as an ongoing process of identifying and analyzing change and disruption coming from outside. It is collaborative and systematic and crucial to derive agile strategies in volatile environments.

See how ITONICS can be used to shape the future with data-driven foresight.


Trendspotting "is the acquisition and evaluation of trends that may impact the organization. A trend describes an observation or prediction about changes in the environment that gain momentum occurring over time and can be observed." Trends are external forces impacting an organization. They can be structured in categories like Social, Technological, Economic, Environmental, and Political trends. Compared to emerging technologies defining the Technology Push, trends reflect the so-called “Market Pull,” mostly defined by changes in consumer behaviors and needs over time.

See how ITONICS can be leveraged for trendspotting to scout for weak signals and uncover changing consumer needs and behaviors.

Technology Trend Radars

As per Gartner, "A technology and trend radar is a customizable visualization tool that shows the current and future trends that your organization has identified as being impactful. It can also be used to track and prioritize discrete technologies and broader trends composed of multiple technologies moving in the same direction.” A trend or technology radar can help organizations to identify what will impact their future, prioritize opportunities and investments and break down information silos.

See the ITONICS Trend and Technology Radars in action and build your own in a few steps.

But that is by no means all ITONICS can do for you! Explore the #1 Innovation OS that will radically revolutionize your innovation capabilities – from strategy to execution.

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