A new innovation management solution to help accelerate innovation and growth across KPMG globally.
We are excited to announce that KPMG, a leading professional services organization, has joined our growing community of ‘innovation rockstars’.
KPMG selected ITONICS for their global innovation management platform to help drive ideation, co-creation, and co-investment of new solutions and ideas with clients, alliance partners, startups, and more. Powered by ITONICS, KPMG Illuminate will be KPMG's updated innovation management solution and will feature AI-driven market insights and signals, crowdsourcing and ideation, incubation management, and portfolio management succeeding KPMG Innovation Factory.
Roni Michael, |
KPMG Illuminate will drive the generation and creation of new ideas and innovative solutions to help drive business transformation and growth. The platform is designed to empower KPMG firms, innovation leaders, and teams around the globe to:
- identify and capture disruptive insights;
- determine innovation priorities and map them with existing capabilities;
- develop, grow and maintain innovation ideas;
- build transparency and trust through a global innovation portfolio;
- build, buy, or collaborate with clients and stakeholders;
- test for feasible, desirable, viable, and sustainable solutions.
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Dr. Christian Mühlroth |
KPMG Illuminate, powered by the ITONICS platform, will be rolled out and made accessible to all KPMG innovation leaders and teams across the global organization.
Request a Demo
To learn more about the tools and capabilities that help KPMG and other innovation leaders grow, browse through our digital tools or contact our expert team right away.
The ITONICS Innovation Software helps organizations take their innovation
management to the next level. To learn more about the tools and capabilities that help
KPMG and other innovation leaders grow, browse through our digital tools or contact our expert teams.
About KPMG
KPMG refers to the global organization or to one or more of the member firms of KPMG International Limited (“KPMG International”), each of which is a separate legal entity. KPMG International Limited is a private English company limited by guarantee and does not provide services to clients. For more detail about our structure please visit https://home.kpmg/xx/en/home/misc/governance.html.