News & Press - Innovation Management

Welcome to the 3rd ITONICS Virtual Product Roadshow!

Written by Sophia Hoferer | 25 Aug 17

You are interested in digital innovation management and would like to get know our products interactively and without any obligation? We show you our software solutions for innovation management in an online demo. In the third part, ITONICS Roadmap is the center of attention.

Besides the basics of innovation roadmapping, we will show you the functions and features of ITONICS Roadmap. Our web-based roadmapping tool supports you in planning future markets, products and services, technologies and resources. An integrated roadmapping framework visualizes and contextualizes dependencies and enables a stringent planning and implementation of innovations. Gain a brief insight into ITONICS Roadmap at our website.

The third roadshow will cover the following issues:

  • Fundamentals of integrated roadmapping
  • ITONICS Roadmap for innovation roadmapping
  • Q&A session


English: November 29, 2017, 11-12 AM (GMT +1h)

German: November 28, 2017, 10-11 AM (GMT +1h)

If you are unavailable at this date we are happy to send you a recording.