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Will Machines Tell Better Stories than Humans?

Mike Todasco, Visiting Fellow at the James Silberrad Brown Center for Artificial Intelligence

"AI is an amazing tool for brainstorming, giving ideas, and being a thought partner, but even when machines can do better than humans, we still like the story behind it. The human behind the machine is what really matters."

In this episode, we sit down with Mike Todasco, former Senior Director of Innovation at PayPal and current AI Fellow at San Diego State University, to explore the fascinating intersection of innovation, AI, and storytelling. Mike's unique career journey, from accountant to innovation leader, offers unexpected insights into what it takes to build a culture that truly embraces creativity.

Curious about how storytelling can make or break your next big idea? Wondering how AI is transforming both corporate innovation and personal creativity? Mike shares real-world examples, invaluable lessons, and practical advice you won't want to miss. Tune in to discover how to harness the power of storytelling and AI to stay ahead in today's fast-changing world!

Chapter 1: From Accounting to Innovation Leadership

  • Mike’s unconventional career path: From accounting to corporate strategy and innovation.
  • Lessons learned from failure: How starting his own business shaped his future approach to innovation.

Chapter 2: Building a Culture of Innovation

  • The PayPal experience: Leading innovation at scale and fostering a creative environment.
  • Storytelling as a key to success: Why communicating your ideas effectively matters more than the ideas themselves.

Chapter 3: The Power of Storytelling in Business

  • Crafting compelling narratives: The emotional core of great stories and how to make ideas stick.
  • Avoiding common pitfalls: Tips to refine your storytelling for different audiences.

Chapter 4: AI and the Future of Creativity

  • How AI is changing the creative process: Tools for brainstorming and enhancing human creativity.
  • The balance of human and machine: Why the human element in creativity will always matter.

Chapter 5: Innovating in a Corporate World

  • AI’s role in corporate innovation: The challenges of integrating AI tools in large organizations.
  • Practical steps for success: Experimenting with AI, scaling it up, and using storytelling to drive adoption.

About the authors

Dr. Christian Mühlroth is the host of the Innovation Rockstars podcast and CEO of ITONICS. Prof. Dr. René Rohrbeck is a leading expert in strategy foresight and innovation, Professor of Strategy and EDHEC & UNESCO Chair.

The Innovation Rockstars podcast is a production of ITONICS, provider of the world’s leading Operating System for Innovation. Do you also have an inspiring story to tell about innovation, foresight, strategy, or growth? Then shoot us a note!