Will AI Replace Creative Jobs First?
AI-based Language Model
ChatGPT, one of the largest language models, developed by OpenAI, concerns about singularity, ability to be creative, and the limits of AI.
AI-based Language Model
ChatGPT, one of the largest language models, developed by OpenAI, concerns about singularity, ability to be creative, and the limits of AI.
Cordell Hardy, PhD
Senior Vice President of Corporate R&D Operations
Cordell Hardy, PhD, Senior Vice President of Corporate R&D Operations at 3M explores the question of what a balanced portfolio in global R&D looks like.
Vera Betz
HR Digital Transformation Manager
HR Digital Transformation Manager at o2 Telefónica Germany, Vera Betz joins us on the Innovation Rockstars podcast to talk about HR Driven Innovation.
Hod Fleishman
Partner, VP, Deep Tech Business Innovation
Hod Fleishman, Partner, VP, Deep Tech Business Innovation at BCG X, Boston Consulting Group’s new tech build and design unit about emerging technologies.
Tessa Finlev
Futures Council Founder and Consulting Futurist
Tessa Finlev, Dolby Laboratories’ first-ever Foresight Strategist, talks about the foresight movement and activities at Dolby Laboratories.
Roni Michael
Global Head of Innovation
Roni Michael, Global Head of Innovation at KPMG talks about how to maintain a balanced innovation portfolio and how to measure the success of innovation.
Hans Lind
Director Business Innovation & Foresight
Director Business Innovation & Foresight, Hans Lind from the Volvo Group talks about the Volvo Connected Solutions Innovation Lab.
Steven Fisher
Innovation Leader & Design Futurist
Innovation Leader & Design Futurist at McKinsey, Steven Fisher joins us on the Innovation Rockstars podcast to talk futurology in your corporate culture.
Stefan Reuss
Managing Director Digital Solutions & IT
Managing Director Digital Solutions & IT, Stefan Reuss, von der Firma Würth Industrie Service über Digitalisierung und Erschließung neuer Geschäftsmodelle.
Andrew Willett
Senior Expert
Andrew Willett, Senior Expert at Toyota Motor Europe about “The Toyota Way” – a set of principles and behaviors that underlie the managerial approach.
Nicholas McQuire
Director, Strategic Missions and Technologies
Director of Growth Innovation and Strategy at Microsoft, Nicholas McQuire about his passion: Artificial Intelligence and enterprise innovation.
Dr. Eva Budischin (former Mitterreiter) & Jennifer Graf
Head of New Business Building & Innovation @Bosch & Partner at digetiers
Dr. Eva Budischin (former Mitterreiter), Head of New Business Building & Innovation, Consulting at Bosch, and Jennifer Graf, Partner at digetiers about their partnership.