1️⃣1️⃣ Webclipper: Clip Web pages to the ITONICS OS while browsing

The Webclipper is a browser extension. It allows you to capture pages from the Web while browsing and clip those to your private clippings folder. You can then decide how, with whom, and in which workspace you want to share it.


Note: This feature will not be automatically available to all subscribers. It requires a separate ITONICS subscription.  If you would like to test the Webclipper, please contact us via account_manager@itonics-innovation.com.

How to install the Webclipper extension?

To begin using the Webclipper extension, you will need to add the Webclipper as an extension to your browser. The Webclipper is currently only available for Google Chrome:

For Google Chrome:

  1. Open the Chrome Web Store: Launch your Chrome browser and navigate to the Chrome Web Store.
  2. Search for the Webclipper extension: In the search bar, type "ITONICS Webclipper" and press Enter or directly enter here
  3. Select the extension: From the search results, locate the Webclipper Extension (the one with the pink arrow) and click on it to open its details page.
    ITONICS Webclipper
  4. Add to Chrome: Click the "Add to Chrome" button.
  5. Confirm installation: A dialog will appear requesting permissions for the extension. Review the permissions, and if you agree, click "Add extension."
  6. Installation complete: Once installed, the Webclipper icon will appear in your browser's toolbar, indicating that the extension is ready for use [1].

Webclipper add-on

How to start the extension and clip Web content?

Start by clicking the icon of the installed Webclipper extension in your Chrome browser [1].

Enter the ITONICS system domain URL to connect the Webclipper to your ITONICS Innovation OS (e.g., https://itonics-innovation.itonics.io/).

Please note

  • When you run on two ITONICS Innovation OS systems, and you want to connect the Webclipper extension to the other system, find the gear icon in the top right corner of the Webclipper [2]. Click on it, and you can change the ITONICS system domain URL. Once changed, make sure to log in to the other system.
  • The clips will land on the personal profile so that the workspace is not important when you clip content. You can later assign to what workspace you want to send your clippings.

Sign in and ensure that you are also logged into your ITONICS Innovation OS system.

When you come across a webpage you'd like to save, simply click the Save Clip button [1]. The Webclipper will clip:

  • a title,
  • abstract,
  • image, and
  • the source URL 

Webclipper_Page clipped

Once a clip was successfully added to the ITONICS Innovation OS, the Webclipper extension shows a success message "Page clipped". 

Where and how to access the clips inside ITONICS? How to share clips with other users?

To access the clipped content or all your clips, click on the home icon or the link "clips" on the Webclipper extension [3].

Within the ITONICS Innovation OS, navigate to the user account menu and select the "My Clips" option [4]. This centralized location ensures that all your saved content is easily retrievable and ready for further use - like sharing it with your colleagues.

Webclipper_clippings interface

You will find all your clips with a date stamp of the clipping listed [5]. When you click on an entry, the clip will open to the right, including the title, abstract, image clipped, and the source URL [6]. 

From here, you can delete the clipping via the trash icon or share it with your colleagues by clicking "Create element from clip" [6]. The clip will now be copied into any of your element types within the workspace you are currently signed in. Via the modal, you can select the element type [7], and once happy publish it [8]. 

The title, abstract, image, and source are automatically populated in the new element. From there, you can customize and enrich the element profile to suit your specific workflow needs. The new element is always added to the currently active Workspace. 

A reference to the created element will be added to the card of the clipping [9]. 

Webclipper_Element created

Please note when you switch the workspace, the element from the clipping created in the other workspace will not be shown. So, only created elements in the respective workspace will be shown on the card of the clipping [9].